Monday, February 27, 2006

A small option trade on EUR/GBP...and YTD P+L:

I bought some EUR/GBP FX the other week at 68.51, then a few days later
sold a ~2 week straddle struck at 68.60...I got paid 41.4 for the
straddle, and the spot rate actually was at 68.04 at the time of expiry,
so trade was a small loss. Now I said at the time of the trade that I'd
buy some more EUR/GBP if it expired outside the straddle range, but
instead I've just sold a 68.20 put to March 10th for 20.9 points in £5 a
point. Small size, but anyway the only way I lose is if EURGBP is below
68.00, in which case I'll prob buy more anyway.

Also YTD P+L is standing at £4,496. Best trade has been shorting GBP
against the dollar, and the losing trades have been shorting the DAX
(what a nightmare trade, I am really annoyed on this one as it was an
unresearched punt) and on being long General Motors stock, which I still
feel confident on.

I'm working on a way to have a simple spreadsheet with my trades on
posted on a website somewhere. Could take a while but hopefully I'll get
there eventually. As always, any thoughts/comments on my trades is



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.

17 May, 2006 07:29  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.

17 May, 2006 12:28  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hallo I absolutely adore your site. You have beautiful graphics I have ever seen.

17 May, 2006 12:48  

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